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Pi Approximation Day

This day  is observed on 22 July every year because of the value of Pi that is 22/7. Whereas Pi Day is celebrated on 14 March which is similar to the approximate value of 3.14 and also coincides with Albert Einstein’s birthday. Let’s celebrate this honor day if you have any birthday occasion or any event at home . #Piapproximateday #Ambikahanchate #writterspace

National Mango Day or Mango Day

It is celebrated on 22 July. The day is to know about the history and some lesser-known facts about the juicy and delicious fruit mango. As we all know Mango is the king fruit than all fruits ,never compare with anyone ,endless taste and never demand will decrease to consume it .Even many different mangoes are available in various states from different names .Anyhow mango is mango only ..Have it,enjoy it . #Nationalmangoday #Ambikahanchate #writterspace

 National Refreshment Day

This day  is observed annually on the fourth Thursday in July which falls on 22 July in 2021. This day is basically to celebrate the fun and refreshment during the hottest time of the year that is in the summers.get your refreshment by having juices ,fruits or whatever as your wish .There is no shortcut or any other way to change the mood from taking freshness in your own path .Just enjoy it and be happy forever . #Nationalrefreshmentday #Ambikahanchate #Writterspace

Chandrayaan 2 launching daty

Chandrayaan-2 was launched on 22nd July 2019 from Satish Dhawan Space Center, Sriharikota. It was India’s second mission to the Moon. Be proud of the great achievement .Jai Hind . #Chandrayana2launchingday #Ambikahanchate #writterspace


National Penuche Fudge Day on July 22nd recognizes the creamy candy with an Italian name. If you like maple flavor, this nut-filled fudge is for you!Penuche (pə-​ˈnō-​chə) is pronounced pe-new-chee. The Italian form of the word is panucci. The fudge-like candy includes the following ingredients: brown sugar, butter, vanilla, and milk. Lighter in color than traditional fudge, penuche tastes like maple thanks to the brown sugar. It’s very sweet and looks nice . #Nationalpenucheday #ambikahanchate #writerspace


July 22On July 22nd, relax in the shade and enjoy National Hammock Day. These portable, comfortable slings create excellent napping spaces no matter where you are!A hammock is a sling made of fabric, rope or netting. When suspended between two points, a hammock forms a sling used for swinging, sleeping or resting. We usually suspend a hammock between trees or posts. Let’s enjoy ourselves . #Nationalhammockday #Ambikahanchate #writterspace


July 22National Rat Catcher’s Day on July 22nd commemorates the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. The day also provides an opportunity7 to thank all present-day exterminators.According to the folktale, residents of the German town of Hamelin hired a strangely dressed man to rid their village of rats. The Pied Piper of Hamelin did so by playing his flute. Upon finishing the task, the townsfolk refused to pay — so the Pied Piper returned. Once again, the Pied Piper played his flute while the children followed him. And with the Pied Piper, the children vanished, never to return. Let’s get more detail from the net source . #Nationalratcathersday #Ambikahanchate #writterspace


Each year on July 22nd, National Fragile X Awareness Day celebrates those impacted by Fragile X syndrome. The day also raises support for research, education and awareness.Fragile X syndrome is a mutation of the FMR1 gene and is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability. It impacts men more than women, and while a person may have the gene mutation, sometimes they do not have any apparent signs. Those who do show signs may have mild or severe symptoms. Always be alert from this and give proper knowledge /awareness to others too . #Nationalfragilexawarnessday #Ambikahanchate #writterspace


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